As we are all apt to consult ‘Dr. Google’ in this digital age, the doctors and staff of Richland Veterinary Associates would like to provide you with reputable on-line sources.

Cornell Feline Health Center completely covers cat health concerns from preventative medicine, like vaccines and neutering, to common cat diseases.

Veterinary Partner is a great resource for information on animal diseases, injuries (such as cruciate ligament tears) and medications.

The Heartworm Society website gives information on Heartworm disease, it’s prevalence in our area and how to prevent and treat the disease.

The House Rabbit Society website is full of information about how to properly feed and care for your pet rabbit.

The Companion Animal Parasite Council provides information on all parasites from internal parasites like roundworms to external parasites like flea and ticks and the disease signs they can cause in your pet.  The information here helps tell us what to expect for ticks and Lyme disease this year as well as how to prevent your pet from getting parasites.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control  provides information on a variety of common toxins, household and otherwise, that may affect your pet’s health.

Your Vet Wants You To Know is an informational with podcasts, videos and other resources.

Pharmaceutical Resources